May 25, 2011

Purify for a Strong Foundation?

Right after I finished my yoga teacher training, I decided to stay on at the ashram as staff.  About half way through the 30 day program, I knew in my heart that I needed to put a lot more work, and that it was doubtful I would have the self-discipline to keep up the intensive practice when left to my own devices. (Was I ever right about that!)  

My first week as staff, we had a teacher who specializes in dreams come to give a week-long workshop.  I signed up.  I dream.  A lot.  I can usually remember about 2-3 dreams per night in detail.  This fluctuates of course,  most likely dependent upon my waking life circumstances.  One of the exercises that the teacher had us do, and I highly recommend doing this yourself, is to ask a question of  your dreams right before you go to sleep.  Write down the question in a journal.  It's usually something you have been grappling over, a decision, an inquiry that must be worked out subconsciously (you know, where we aren't JUDGING so heavily). Then, from what I gathered, there were one of two ways to extract the aswer:
1.  You would have a dream (that would indeed require interpretting which can get tricky because now we might fall into the judgy/preconcieved notion voice).
2.  The answer is running through your head upon waking.  This is called a "waking thought".

Now to get to the true waking thought, one must first realize they are awake.  THEN (and this is the hard part), without moving a muscle, tune in and see what the mind is spouting.  I found this rather difficult because I would wake up and roll over or stretch or open my eyes (don't do that!).  During this week of learning however, I was sleeping in a tight little sleeping bag in my tent so it was a bit easier.  

One particular bedtime during this workshop, I went to bed asking my journal, "Why do my ears hurt all of the time and feel like they are blocked?".  I went off to sleep and awoke with one of my strongest and clearest waking thoughts to date: "You have to purify before you can build a strong foundation", my inner knowing told me.  And you know what is so funny?  That is not until today that I finally get what that means.  And so that is why I am writing this.  That is what compelled me to stop my day, my packing and sorting, and plop in front if this screen, and punch these keys.

I have been going through my books over and over again.  I am curating piles and wrapping in ribbons some books for special people in my life.  Some I simply cannot part with and they will move to Massachusetts with my parents.  But there is still a pile left.  One that is far to big to bring on  my journey.  And so I sort again and again.  And today I picked up a Jack Kornfield book, The Wise Heart.  As I held it, I looked it over, and did what I always do.  I opened to a page and began to read:

Purification: The Gateway to Higher States

Learning to concentrate, though initially difficult, works.  Gradually, through repeated focus on our subject over hours and days, the mind's wandering diminishes.  It settles down and steadies itself on the subject of meditation.  This process of developing concentration is described in Buddhist texts as "purification".  The term is not a religious or moral one, but rather describes an experience of release in body and mind.  

Ahhhh, big sigh.  I get it.  Now I get it.  I had all but ignored by inner-knowing's advice that morning at the ashram.  I mean it made sense to purify before building a strong foundation, but that word: PURITY, had a lot of misconstrued  and tough meaning for me.  What did it mean to be "pure" and how could any human being actually attain that state?  I know my mind often went to places I was not proud of, I judged myself and others, I had done so many things that I was not proud of, that I wished I could go back and change.  How can I be pure when I already did those things and had those thoughts? 

And then since my original question was about my ears I thought that maybe it was a purificaiton of the physical body that I needed, and at the time (and now) that was equally overwhelming.  Did I need to fast?  Should I do more yoga?  

But now I get it.  As Kornfield states, purification is not a pious or moral process.  It's simply what we talk about in the meaning and purpose of Yoga:  the cessation of thought waves, letting go, and discovering our Self.  Our Self that simply IS and is not DEFINED by what we think, what we have, where we go, what we do, who we know and blah blah blah.

In my last few sessions of acupuncture, Lance has really encouraged me to stay in my body as I am feeling emotions.  To stay with any tightness or pain and to see where it was traveling.  And you know what?  It was in my throat, sinus area and ears.  The problems I have here cannot be "cured" through diet, exercise or supplements.  While these things help GREATLY with the process of "purification" (which remember is really just the process of developing great concentration, or in other words, the ability to not have the mind wander incessantly, acting like a drunk monkey or wild horse), they are not IT alone. 

As we try to sit and develop this concentration (the beginning process to meditation), our thoughts, conflicts, plans and unfinished business will get in the way.  Physical tension and restlessness, memories and fears, instincts and drives will repeatedly interrupt us. 

It is not an easy road my friends.  It will take thousand of repetitions but finally, once the heart and mind are freed from the grip of these things, we are purified; we are free to be who we always were---pure JOY!

So, yeah, I am going to take this book with me.

Hari om tat sat.  In light and love.

May 20, 2011

Old Letters, Kind Reminders

Attic attack.  Forced minimalism.  It's funny-I totally crave to be a "minimalist" but I find so many "things" so beautiful.  I don't own much at all, but even going through THAT stuff is proving taxing.  What to take with me, what to pack to keep for later, what to give to friends, what to donate, what to toss...and so on and so forth.  You know the drill.  (Though my drill is a bit a unique seeing as I will live from a suitcase or two for two years-yay!)

So not only am I going through this, my parents are too.  I am leaving in less than 3 weeks while they have 2 months until their big move (oh right did I mention they are moving out of my childhood home to Massachusetts?  Yes, there is quite a bit of untethering happening in our world) and my father is ravenous for the move and so there is daily purging, sorting, tossing around here. 

This morning he came to me with a folder full of papers he found on the floor in the attic off of my bedroom.  The first piece of paper was a handwritten letter by the Universe I suppose.  It was written a week after I lost my brother in a car crash (late January of 2003) and my hope is that my raw and vulnerable state around death will bring some peace to you:

My Brother------>

Life is a small part of the journey of the spirit.

Our bodies are impermanent and earthly.  They coccon the butterfly inside-our soul.

That cold, icy night last week, God allowed Philip to be free of his cocoon and to join Him in the vast heaven.

Any one who has ever had a conversation with me of any depth knows I do believe all happens for the best, with "reason".

It sounds silly to think there could possibly be a reason for this...But I trust God.

My brother loved life, God made sure--

Have a beautiful Friday full of remembrance of how impermanent this life is.  Let go fo the past and have no fear for the future.  Enjoy now.


May 11, 2011

The Edge of My Pancake

The proverbial edge.  Everyone is talking about edges. (This guy is one of my favorites, and these two as well).  It's a twitter buzz word amongst the eloquently evolved beings I follow.  And sure, I "get it"...I mean it's not a new concept.  I was screaming about "Livin on the edge" as I curled my hair and swiped my lips with Clinique's Tenderheart lipstick in 8th grade.

From that point of view, coming from a rock band and being in an 8th-grade frame of reference (ie matrix), the edge was something for bad-asses.  It was leather pants, cigarettes, having sex, doing drugs.  The edge.  Yeah.  Bad-ass. 

And now, a loooong time later, as I consume and somewhat digest probably too many other poeple's ideas, thoughts and opinions, this whole "edge thing" takes on more depth.  While I was a deep  8th grader, the 'mind-forged manacles' of those days are nothing compared to the web I am untangling now.


"Her brain doesn't work right", I heard my dad mutter as he left the living room last night, the comment directed towards my mother.  I had to chuckle because I know what he sees seems so out of context.

Yesterday evening I had a routine acupuncture appointment that went anything but routine.  As many of you are now, have been or will be, (the inevitable promise of this life) I am going through some BIG changes.  And I am cool with it.  But when our external world is changing so dramatically, the shifts that also need to take place inside require some attention, nurturing and as I experienced last night, LETTING GO.

I stepped into the room and before Lance (my needle guy healer) got to ask me, "What's going on", I blurted out, "I am feeling really emotional" and the tears began to flow.  And they didn't stop for over an hour and a half.  Through various needlepoints, checking-ins and the most beautiful mantra, "Hara hara gurudev" playing in the background, I approached the edge of the cliff. 

The needles ensured that I was open, and my work was to be in my body, feeling where the emotion was:
It's in my chest, it's a big ball-so tight. 

Stay with it Julie, allow it, love it and let it go when you are ready. 


It's in my throat, my jaw, my ears. 


It's in my third's like a big heavy marble in my forehead.

At this point I have to take note of how much I am both physically and emotionally experiencing.  I am literally weeping like a child.  Full body convulsive crying.  At times I feel cooling, tingling waves come over me and I calm down, catch my breath, am washed by the mantra.  And then I move back into my body.  Where am I feeling it?  I am not sure how much more of this I can take.  At one point I felt a incredible heat roll over me, up from my toes.  The final heave.  The vision.  I have this vision.  I have had it for so long.  I am leaving my home, my country, my friends, my family.  For two years.  I am going to re-wire.

I am exhausted.  And relieved.  All of that had been living inside of me, swirling around.  Being held back.


The other day I found out that one of my dearest friends in pregnant.  A few days later, my old coworker who is now a dear friend, announced her engagement.  A few days after that, my cousin who is also one of my closest friends called me to tell me something.  She knew she was getting engaged and she knew the wedding would occur while I was serving my term in the Peace Corps. 

I wanted my joy for each of them to be greater than what I could feel.  You see, all of that stuff that had to get worked out was in the way of aligning my true feelings with what I could actually feel.  And my mind.  My mind was in the way, with these old thought patterns:  "Of course now...I am going to miss out on all of this...oh look, all of this celebration for these things: engagements, weddings, babies.  Of course they seem much more joyous than measly me leaving for the Peace Corps.  Who would want to celebrate that?  Will I ever give my friends and family something they want to celebrate?" Should it matter?


When I got home from my acupuncture appointment I was visibly exhausted having done some heavy inner-excavation work.  I needed a little something in my belly for sleep and I needed to give my heart and mind a rest.  I put a pot of water on the stove to boil some noodles and wandered into the living room where I picked up the remote for the TV and tuned in to a show about a Kardashian.  I sat and stared.  I don't watch TV.  Anyone who knows me knows this.  But I can see why people do.  I needed mind-numbing right now.

So when my dad walked into the room, he was caught off gaurd as I am rarely there, propped in front of the TV.  It didn't make sense.  "Look at you, just home from acupuncture, wrapped in your yogi shawl, and watching THIS CRAP?"

I smile.

Walking out of the room, "There's something wrong with her brain" to my mom.  My love for him expands.


This  morning my head is still pretty heavy from the work of crying.  I came down stairs and decided it was a good a day as any for blueberry pancakes.  I sat with my golden cakes and began to relish in each bite.  About half way through my plate, I noticed that I wasn't eating the middle of the pancakes.  In fact I only really liked the edges. 

The middle is too soft.  The edge is just right.  It has hints of that soft inner, and if I had taken it any further on the heat, it would be burnt-not tasty.  But as the edge gets a little more cooked than the center, a little more exposed, it becomes a nice mix of the soft center and the crispiness of being up against the heat.  The edge IS bad-ass.  Especially with a little maple syrup.

Hari Om tat sat.

May 9, 2011

Just a Friendly Reminder, Bring on the Produce (Clean as Possible)!

I know that buying all-organic can be rough on the wallet-no doubt. But there are certain types of produce that are more important to buy organic than others, due to the amount/types of pesticides used and the permeability of the skin of the fruit or vegetable.

In addition, as a rule of thumb, if it grows underground (root vegetables like carrots, potatoes and even peanuts), makes sure it's organic b/c it IS the root sucking in not only nutrients from the soil but whatever contaminants are around as well, directly into its flesh that we eat.

THE DIRTY DOZEN (in order from worst to least bad):

1. Celery

2. Peaches

3. Strawberries

4. Apples

5. Blueberries

6. Nectarines

7. Bell Peppers

8. Spinach (all leafy greens in my opinion)

9. Kale/Collard Greens

10. Pears

11. Potatoes

12. Grapes

THE CLEAN 15 (lowest in pesticides from cleanest to not as clean, but still rather clean...):

1. Onions

2. Avocado (thank GOD considering the price of these bangin bad boys)

3. Sweet corn (though note: I am not a fan of eating lots of corn-more on that later)

4. Pineapples

5. Mango

6. Sweat Peas

7. Asparagus

8. Kiwi

9. Cabbage
10. Eggplant

11. Canteloupe

12. Watermelon

13. Grapefruit

14. Sweet Potato

15. Honeydew Melon


May 2, 2011


pāpa-nāśanah(Sanskrit), the destruction of sinful reactions

I try to work on my reactions as my wisdom and learnings tell me they are all that I can truly control. Monitor emotion, breathe, observe thoughts, breathe, take proper action. There is action in inaction.


Mark my words: I love nothing in this changing world more than humans. I may make mistakes in my relations with them daily and these relations cause me at once great suffering and immense joy.

I was born with an undying desire to wrap my arms around a race of beings that I realize is still largely in the dark. The death of a fellow being cheered as though we have won an NFL championship? Violence answers nothing. Retaliation creates more karma.

I realize not too much has changed since the Romans cheered the gladiotors as they tore each other's bodies to shreds. The technological revolution does not indicate enlightenment.

My flame further ignites. My compassion for my fellow man becomes increasingly strong. My work is made more clear.

I realize that my words may offend some, but I am willing to take that risk and to take my stand. A stifled voice brings peace to none. Share yours. Your truth is your only true gift to this world and to your fellow man.


Hari om tat sat.

Image from Jane deForest Art of the Sacred