March 12, 2012

Thinking About Not Thinking?

What would happen if we dropped the notion that there is anything to do, anywhere to go, something to attain, anything that needs to be different than what is in this very moment?  

What if we forgot about things like enlightenment and ascension?  If we stopped the search? If we stopped intellectualizing, thinking, ruminating? If we just "let it be"?

Food for thought (or lack thereof!)

I invite you to listen to satsanga (Sanskrit सत्सङ्ग sat = true, sanga = company) (8:41) with Mooji where he talks about enlightenment in a different way. Take a few deep breaths before watching the clip and enjoy.  OM!

Now I am off to bed, to (hopefully) allow my dreams to do my thinking for me :) What thoughts seem to take over your mind? Do you know how to slow them down? Or why you would want to?



  1. Love you, sister! Deeply grateful for your divine presence! Blessings!

  2. OM beloved Kristina! So grateful for you & now I am getting to read your words :)
