April 23, 2010

Yoga is...equanimity of mind

Our problems in this life come from weaknesses in the mind. Just as a body-builder works out in the gym to strengthen his muscles, the yogi works to strengthen the mind. A weak mind will collapse under the weight of negative thoughts like fear and worry.

So to strengthen the mind, just as the body-builder uses weight resistance, the yogi uses tendency resistance. We all have our inborn tendencies, the ways we tend to react out of our subconscious mind to situations around us. These ways often do not serve us best and to react out of a place of purity takes a lot of energy, resistance and strength.

Just as the body-builder checks his progress in the mirror, the yogi or 'mind-builder' checks his progress in the people around him. Other people are our mirrors in this life to show us our progress in our journey towards inner peace. Interactions show us where we are still weak and where we are strong.

Om tat sat


  1. Has really struck me......"Interactions with others show us where we are still weak" Thanks you so much for this.....the entire post is awesome! steve

  2. Thank you Steve, for reading and for appreciating...gratitude! Do you or have you studied yoga philosophy?

  3. I have been studying Buddhisim for 5 years and have maintained a regular meditation practice. Over the last year or so I have realized what has been missing in my journey has been more spiritual in nature. I have the first few years of meditation behind me, where so many of us during that time are just going through the motions of meditation (I want to be a meditator - This is how a good meditator does it) - I look back on that time I spent on the cushion and no progess was made, other than physically being able to set in meditation for extended periods of time....and thats good. anyway......that is part of my story, I so much am enjoying reading your blog. I have printed this post about the weight lifter and have it in my sitting space, it really struck a note with me. : ) s

  4. Progress was made indeed...it's just so subtle it's hard to notice. But when we are not practicing anything, it becomes apparent with the spinning mind. Good for you! Thanks so much for reaching out to say some of what I have written has made an impact. It's all I could ever hope for.
