May 9, 2011

Just a Friendly Reminder, Bring on the Produce (Clean as Possible)!

I know that buying all-organic can be rough on the wallet-no doubt. But there are certain types of produce that are more important to buy organic than others, due to the amount/types of pesticides used and the permeability of the skin of the fruit or vegetable.

In addition, as a rule of thumb, if it grows underground (root vegetables like carrots, potatoes and even peanuts), makes sure it's organic b/c it IS the root sucking in not only nutrients from the soil but whatever contaminants are around as well, directly into its flesh that we eat.

THE DIRTY DOZEN (in order from worst to least bad):

1. Celery

2. Peaches

3. Strawberries

4. Apples

5. Blueberries

6. Nectarines

7. Bell Peppers

8. Spinach (all leafy greens in my opinion)

9. Kale/Collard Greens

10. Pears

11. Potatoes

12. Grapes

THE CLEAN 15 (lowest in pesticides from cleanest to not as clean, but still rather clean...):

1. Onions

2. Avocado (thank GOD considering the price of these bangin bad boys)

3. Sweet corn (though note: I am not a fan of eating lots of corn-more on that later)

4. Pineapples

5. Mango

6. Sweat Peas

7. Asparagus

8. Kiwi

9. Cabbage
10. Eggplant

11. Canteloupe

12. Watermelon

13. Grapefruit

14. Sweet Potato

15. Honeydew Melon


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