January 27, 2011

Plan C

Plan C is the path you didn't 'see' before. It's the 'everything else' that you never before realized. There are two ways to think about this. One I learned from Sin Kuhn, a visiting teacher at the Yoga Farm. He called what I am referring to as Plan C, the 3rd Alternative. As he put it, there are three paths we can choose in any given situation, which I will explain-read on.

One night a few weeks ago, after taking a leadership and self-empowerment course, I had a rather strange dream. I dreamt I was pregnant. Even in the dream I knew this couldn't be possible. So I went to a friend (one who in real life is usually a voice of reason in my life) and she helped me to take another more accurate test that I didn't know exisited and it too read positive. At this point in the dream I was totally freaked out but also totally excited about the prospect of the experience ahead of me. And then my friend came to me with a box of pills. She pulled out a packet and it was labeled, "PLAN C". Ah-hah! (For those of you who don't get the 'joke' here, there is a "morning after pill" on the market that is actually called Plan B.)

Pulling together what I have been going through in making some major life decisions, my Saturn Return, and the many amazing people and opportunities in my life, I was able to intertwine Sin Khun's theories with one I was realizing for myself. And it looks like this:

Plan A/The 1st Alternative: What you know. The subconscious mind. The past replays itself. A broken record.

Plan B/The 2nd Alternative: What you know you don't know. What you can easily learn from another. What you can read up on. Your beliefs. The beliefs of others. Taking the path another has taken.

Plan C/The 3rd Alternative: Everything else. What don't know you don't know. The wide open unencumbered future. Creating your own path.

You see, Plan C is the path that opens the possibilities of being YOU. Because YOU have never lived before-in this life, in this body, in this family, in this job, in this role. And you came into all of these things for a reason. Plan C is taking risks, being scared, not knowing what the outcome will be. Like in my dream, I was scared, but I was also so very excited. Plan C is opening yourself to the possibility that anything and everything is possible. Is it scary? YES. Is it rewarding? YES. Is it the way we are meant to be living? I do believe so.

Take a chance. Go where no other has gone. Be wholly, authentically, beautifully YOU.

Om tat sat.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't heard of the Gherada Samhita or Siva Samhita-thanks for pointing me to these free PDFs! Did you translate any of them? And Om Namah Sivaya to a felow Dutch Yogin (If that is your website!)
