February 21, 2011

Big Day for Breakthroughs: The Next Big Change and Why it's Already Here

Seeing that I am not an astrologist, I cannot tell anyone when auspicious days are for them or for the collective. All that I can do is to share what I feel is going on. We had a strong full moon on Friday-in Leo no less. Intensity, flare-ups, expression, merging of the collective make it a Full Moon of breakthroughs.

Over the weekend I couldn't help but feel that many people, perhaps the collective, were feeling an uprising "unrest", a feeling that large changes are coming. This has likely been a feeling many of us have been having our entire life. If you are reading these words right now then you are probably someone who has had the feeling at one point or another that you were born at a rather crucial point in humanity and that some how, some way, you will be a part of the large changes headed our way.

It's Already Here

The truth is that these "large changes" have already happened and continue to make exponential leaps and bounds. The fact that this morning I had an amazing session with my therapist and that now not even an hour later I can press some buttons to put together my insights from the session (insights that have to do with my lif- sure-but with the collective as we are all in this human experience together), push another button and BOOM-it's in front of you...THAT is large change from what your parents were doing to share their stories at your age. There is no denying the exponential growth that technology has made over the last century. It is remarkable. And we are here, living in this age, to figure out how to use this to take humanity to the next level of consciousness. To use this technology to help rather than harm.

I think most of us can attest to the harm that technology is capable of. I blame a large percentage of anxiety, depression and chronic illness not ON technology but ON the human response to what it has made possible. Technology didn't ask us to check our email twenty times per day. Technology didn't determine we would have to have our cell phones on at all times and answer every call that came in. Technology did not demand of us that since we had 24 hour access to information and the electricity to have false daylight 24 hours we have to stay awake and pound on a keyboard for the grander part of our days, our lives.

No, these are behaviours that we as humans have developed around technology therefore placing unachievable demands of our ability to live a full life both in the virtual and physical worlds. At least that is how it has been. The change that I am feeling, the large change, is a flip of this coin. The tale of 2012 has been looming around us for some time and it begs of me to share that this timing, this event, this CHANGE, is that of the collective being able to switch from slave of technology to wise master.

Mind Over Matter

Anyone who has studied spirituality or even psychology will know about the battle of the mind. Anyone who born human will live it. It is the same with modern advances is ways we disseminate information and share our lives with each other. The mind can take over, can cause havoc and heartache making up stories about the way things "are". Technology can also take over when we allow that it demand how, when and where we place our attention and energy. We can flip both around once we become the wise master of each. With the mind this is through meditation, mindfulness, breathing (pranayama), proper nutrition and detachment (varaigya). With technology, it is the same. Simplify, discern (viveka) what and where deserves your energy, and embrace both your physical and second (virtual) self.

I can admit that for a long time I thought of one's existence "online" was a shallow, narcissistic and wasteful place. I was judgemental about it for two reasons: one being that it intimidated me. This made me feel like not matter how I might try, I could never catch up with those who knew how to write code, had amazing blogs, followers, friends, fans ect. The other reason being that in my deep dive into a strict yoga practice, there was a general thought-form that it was MUCH too vata-inducing and "unreal" to exist in a place like the Internet. Now that I have been living outside of the ashram life for the better part of a year and immersed myself in aspects of life that I had shunned for so long, I have been able to discern and discover some new ways of thinking, a new paradigm, that works much better for my own mind. And it's this: that it is not only OK to embrace technology and the idea of a "second self" online, it is actually the way things are supposed to being going. Things are speeding up-yes. Things are changing more and more exponentially-yes. This is because we are evolving much more quickly and this is EXCITING and SUPPOSED to be happening. The second self gives us the opportunity to express what is in our hearts and minds without attachment to physical place, body, stutus ect. As we move forward, our goal as humans is to be able to speak and live within the physical realm as openly and freely as we do the virtual. These worlds collide creating a new possibility for mankind.

Using the Internet to share ideas is accelerating human evolution. All I have ever aspired to be is a source of transformation- bringing humanity to the next level of existence. A level where suffering is less, joy is more and people embrace one another. Our physical self needs to have attention, love and care. Grow your food, cook for your family and neighbors. Do yoga asanas, take walks, decorate your home as brings you joy. But also share of your soul, bare your truth to the farthest reaches of the planet. Your second self, your virtual self, might bring that nugget of truth to another soul that guides them to the light they need.

Further Reading and Inspiration
Here is some further reading from some of the sources I have come across on the topic of human evolution and technology. These are Digital Warriors, bringers if light, and sharing Fierce Wisdom. Introduce yourself, follow them on Twitter and prepare to move into the next Big Change. In my next post, I will discuss more of went down in my therapy session-how I am working to bring my own "two selves" together. I am discovering for me, and maybe you have felt this too, that there is a disharmony between how I am living and what I want to be living. I am working hard to have these two sides of me not only know of but embrace one another.

-Satya Colombo, Shooting Stardust at the moon: time and space died yesterday: prepare for takeoff

-Ev Bouge, Data Transfers from the Heart

-Gwen Bell

-Watch Amber Case's TED talk, We are all cyborgs now for some more background on "second selves".

In my next post, I will discuss more of what went down in my therapy session-how I am working to bring my own "two selves" together. That I can share that I am in therapy is in part a large step for me... I am discovering for me, and maybe you have felt this too, that there is a disharmony between how I am living and how I want to be living. I am working hard to have these two sides of me not only know of but embrace one another. I certainly don't claim to have answers, only that I am incredibly grateful to have a space to share what I do learn. And to learn from you.

Om tat sat. Om shanti. Om peace.

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